Saturday, June 27, 2009

Web Site Accuses People Of Having STDs

A new Web site is stirring up controversy by accusing hundreds of people of having sexually transmitted diseases.Cyrus Sullivan said he started because of a personal experience."I had an unfortunate situation of being informed by my ex-girlfriend that she had herpes and she knew about it before we even met," said Sullivan.The purpose of the Web site is to warn people about the health of their potential sexual partners.

But the Web site is designed so that anyone can post a person's name without proving they have an STD."Now you're really taking a risk," said attorney Blake Whiteman.Someone could sue for libel if they were falsely accused on the Web site."If there's any question at all if it's true or not, do not make the statement," said Whiteman.Sullivan said he will remove a person's name if they prove that they do not have an STD, and he admits the inherent potential for personal harm that comes with the Web site.But Sullivan said he believes in the end, the good outweighs the bad."If one person doesn't get aids or herpes or any other STD because of this Web site, then it has accomplished its mission," he said.

Their Mission Objectives

1. Prevent

- We aim to prevent the spread of disease by optimizing the flow of information. Knowledge is power and what you don’t know can hurt you. The more you know the more capable you are to make better decisions in every aspect of your life. When it comes to STDS information is especially important when many are infected and either don’t know about it or worse, they know about it and don’t tell their partners. Listing the names of people infected both provides a warning to potential victims of dishonest partners and informs former partners of diseases that they may have been exposed to and unknowingly carry. Prevention is the best medicine and with no way to eliminate the risk of infecting a partner during a sexual encounter knowledge is the best tool to prevent infection.

2. Educate

- We aim to educate the public about the facts, dangers, and myths about the transmission, prevention, and treatment of STD’s. STD’s are transmitted by direct contact between mucous membranes, blood, and bodily fluids. Mucous membranes are present in the mouth, anus, vagina, and on the penis. Fluids associated with these areas can cause an infection when they come into contact with mucous membranes or exposed wounds. Infected fluids dont' just come into contact with mucous membranes during sexual intercourse, but also from oral sex, anal sex, kissing, blood transfusions, and sometimes seagulling. The risk of infection when exposed depends on a combination of factors depending on what STD you are exposed to and the health of your immune system. Many STD’s like Gonorrhea and Chlamydia can easily be treated with antibiotic medication while others including Genital Herpes, Genital Warts, HPV, Hepatitis C, HIV, and AIDS have no known cure. HPV has been linked to cervical cancer in women. Hepatitis C can cause severe and potentially fatal liver problems. HIV and AIDS weaken the immune system and have been responsible for millions of deaths. Risk of infection during sex can be reduced significantly using condoms; however you can still get infected while using condoms. STD’s can happen to anyone regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or personal character. Remember that just because someone has or might have a STD does not indicate that there is anything mentally, morally, or ethically wrong with that person.

3. Protect

- We aim to protect the physical health, mental health, and rights of the public. Physical health should be protected by making sure everyone is aware of the dangers they face in any given situation as much as humanly possible. Making available the STD status of potential partners allows people to make more educated and thus better decisions about their sexual activity as well as providing an incentive for past partners of the infected to get tested and possibly prevent themselves from unknowingly infecting others. Mental health should be protected by deterring those who would post false information about others regardless of their reasons by assisting in the identification and punishment of those individuals. We will protect the confidentiality and free speech rights for all who use our service in accordance with our Terms of Use.

4. Entertain

- No one likes a boring website and neither do we. We have created Video Page with a collection of over 200 embedded flash videos about STD's categorized as Dangerous Sex, Safe Sex, Herpes, Genital Warts, HPV, HIV/AIDS, Hepatits C, and Other. We have added a Games Page with our collection of Classic Console, Action, Jake's Booty Call, and Adult flash games. We have also compiled a collection of threats, rants, and raves about this site from a wide variety of sources. All these sections are here for your entertainment and we encourage you to check them out.

5. Improve

5. Improve - Anything that can be done can be done better and as such we are always looking for ways to make this site better. If you look at this site on a regular basis you will notice all kinds of development tools being tested. These techniques are part of the development of a global classified advertising and social networking site being developed to take on Craig's List. This site and STD Merchandise will serve as testing grounds for features that might be used on No Limit List.