Gwyneth Paltrow was on Conan O'Brien's fourth Tonight Show last night, and typically, she showed off her toned stems (thanks, Iron Man 2 preparation) by wearing a scrap of wisp of a dress. But while she attempted to dazzle the world with her wit and child-rearing tips (give 'em beer and Jay-Z -- really), bloggers and Twitter-ers were instead dazzled by her unnaturally shiny legs. She was wearing sequins and her legs still had more sheen and blinding sparkle than her dress, for God's sake. Was there baby oil involved? Was she sweating? Or is her skin just naturally as taut, pale and smooth as one of those windshield reflector thingies?
Naturally, we turned to Twitter to see what others were saying about all of this, and as of now it seems as though the "lard theory" seems to be taking root.