(ChattahBox)–There wasn’t a Democrat to be found at the Washington Convention Center last night, as Republican leaders and conservative pundits, such as Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich attended the major fundraising dinner for the Republican House and Senate campaign committees. Master of ceremonies, actor and rabid conservative Jon Voight, provided plenty of red-meat right wing rhetoric, to the delight of the 2,000 attendees, some of which was outright bizarre.
Jon Voight repeated a speech he had given earlier that day before the congressional committee, setting the paranoid tone for the evening. Voight provided a dire doomsday message throughout his speech, calling for fellow Republicans to “free this nation from this Obama oppression,”
He blamed Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, the Republican’s bogeyman, George Soros and Chris Dodd and “their ilk,” for what he called the “downfall of our country. Conveniently forgetting the disastrous policies of the Bush administration of the past eight years.
He laced his speech with negative references to President Obama’s huge popularity and high approval ratings, demonizing Obama by such depictions, as “…Obama’s false Halo-istic presence,” and his anointing as the “One” by Oprah Winfrey.
Voight went on to call Obama’s policies “wildly radical.” “Obama thinks he is a soft spoken Julius Caesar,” said Voight who plans to conquer the world with his “…sweet talk.”
Voight ended his exercise in demagoguery by shouting out to his right wing FOX heroes, including Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Glen Beck and Michelle Malkin, praising them for keeping up the fight to defeat the “…false prophet Obama.”
Disgraced former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, as the keynote speaker, continued Voight’s bashing of President Obama claiming Obama’s policies to fix the economy have “already failed.”
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell referred to President Obama’s policies as a “radical agenda.”
McConnell, Senator Orrin Hatch and Senator John Cornyn praised Voight’s speech as “refreshing.”
When Voight was introduced, he was praised for his inspiring movie roles, such as his portrayal of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the film Pearl Harbor.
However, last night he more resembled his villainous character on the FOX show 24, Jonas Hodges, a deranged right-wing industrialist, turned domestic terrorist, who seeks to overtake the U.S. government.
Does Jon Voight have a movie coming out and in need of some media attention?