Your t-shirt called. It wants its voice back. Yes, the tees of today aren’t satisfied with being just a simple color-coordinated fit to your ensemble. The modern tee wants to be seen and heard.
Graphic t-shirts of today are stepping out of the wardrobe and into the spotlight. With your chest as their platform, tees are yelling, insulting, and joking their way into our hearts. These tees aren’t afraid to tell it like it is, and by doing so, they give us a glimpse into the twisted minds of others.
A good t-shirt does more than merely elicit a chuckle from a coworker or a stare from a stranger, it tells others about who you are as a person, what makes you tick, what you stand for.
There’s a reason why so many of these humor tees are seen in movies nowadays. They explain everything we need to know about a character’s personality without the narrator having to actually state it explicitly.
You simply can’t watch a good slacker movie these days without seeing a main actor wearing a cool, and often profane, graphic tee. Every modern-day coming of age flick, from Knocked Up to Superbad to Juno seems to feature one.
Whether it’s a reference to a character’s thoughts on dating and commitment (e.g. “Define Girlfriend”), or a clever play on words showing he’s a stoner (”Only Users Lose Drugs”), the audience gets the message loud and clear without the use of real dialog.
Call it a trend. Call it a geek’s revenge. Whatever it is, it’s the hottest new anti-fashion movement.
Today, the only thing a person really needs to do to establish their irrefutable coolness is publicly walk around wearing the right tee with pride.
It’s advertising at its best. Only this time, your sense of humor is what you’re branding. That, and your awesomeness, of course.
If you want to let everyone know that you are kind of a big deal, wear the right shirt.
The world wants to see the real you. Show your true colors by buying a t-shirt that aptly displays your weird, wicked or wild sense of humor.
What does your T-shirt say about you?