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Always phone 911,or the Police,
FIRST... upon finding your loved one is missing.
Many families are seeking assistance to gain public awareness of their missing family member. Unfortunately, the media industry is ever-changing and may only provide coverage, for a limited time, before they move on to other cases. At LostNMissing, Inc. we want to continue to bring awareness to the public and support all ways possible with media, internet, and public awareness.
Our goal, at LostNMissing,Inc. is to utilize all possible avenues in order to help bring a missing loved one home. In some cases, unfortunately, to help bring closure for the family on those that have passed.
We are also a "one-stop" location that provides resources, educational and informative needs to help enlighten the general public on ways to protect your family members from becoming missing.
Should a loved one become missing, our services provide the tools necessary for family members to obtain assistance, at no charge, to support their efforts in helping to find their lost or missing loved one. (Always call 9-1-1 first!) A proactive approach will be taken to assist with the marketing and media awareness of a missing loved one upon proof of a filed police report or, in some cases, a publicly posted newspaper article available online.
LostNMissing, Inc. is presently seeking a 501c(3) nonprofit status in order to accept donations for their dedicated work and to help improve ways to assist families of missing loved ones, as well as community programs and workshops. At present, all work is voluntary. Once a 501c (3) is completed, services will continue to be provided at no charge.
It is our hope that you happened upon our website for educational purposes and to view our database, and not because you are experiencing the pain of a missing loved one.