DID you see the NHS teen pregnancy video that was banned by You Tube this week?
The clip appears to show real footage, shot on a mobile phone, of a schoolgirl giving birth in a playground while being watched by students.
You can see why it was initially banned, as it really is shocking and disturbing, but as to whether it’ll reduce teen pregnancies, who knows?
It certainly brings home the pain of childbirth, but will that make kids think twice about having unprotected sex?
It’s got to be one of the hardest problems to tackle.
Sex education at school is mostly ridiculed – which leaves you wondering what to do.
Certainly teaching your daughter to have self-respect would help, and drumming home the importance of protection, not just from a pregnancy point of view, but also, because of the worrying rise in STDs in teenagers.
I think it’s what happens to your life once the baby is born that needs to be highlighted, rather than the actual birthing process.
Show them the reality of parenthood – the sleepless nights with a crying child, no more carefree holidays with your mates – the penny pinching and responsibility it all entails, and the loss of their own childhood.
The ad’s a clever spin, but I it’ll shock us oldies more than the teenagers.
Reference: walesonline.co.uk